Lulu: I know of situations where the branch and the applicant have had disagreements on the applicant's suitability. These applications are not rubber stamped. If there is something in your file in Brooklyn, they can deny your application. You also don't have any transparency in the organization. You may not be allowed to know what is in your file or how to resolve the issues. The whole process creates a nightmare for Brooklyn and the applicant. Brooklyn is afraid of lawsuits from the publishers and from the public if a publisher does something bad. This move helps contain liability.
Ultimate Reality
JoinedPosts by Ultimate Reality
Change in Regular Pioneer application process
by Ultimate Reality inthis week a letter is being read that changes the process for the approval of regular pioneers.
in times past you had to fill out an application, submit it to the elder body (who would then add their comments), and it would be forwarded to "the branch" for approval.. this is being changed so that the elder body grants the approval instead of brooklyn or the local branch.
it looks like the lawyers are removing any and all direct contact between the rank-and-file and the gb.
Change in Regular Pioneer application process
by Ultimate Reality inthis week a letter is being read that changes the process for the approval of regular pioneers.
in times past you had to fill out an application, submit it to the elder body (who would then add their comments), and it would be forwarded to "the branch" for approval.. this is being changed so that the elder body grants the approval instead of brooklyn or the local branch.
it looks like the lawyers are removing any and all direct contact between the rank-and-file and the gb.
Ultimate Reality
I think the CO's will continue (so that they don't have mass layoffs--too much bad Bethel PR already) but in a new capacity that shows how much the GB loves everyone, by simplifying. It will also be interpreted as another sign the end is so close. Based on some other postings, it seems reasonable that the CO's will start visiting elder bodies on a rotation and be available for advice over the phone, but no more direct contact with the R & F. Perhaps, CO's will start appointing elders (like the apostle Paul) adding another layer to protect Brooklyn. We will only see them giving manuscript talks at assemblies, just like DO's -- no opportunuty for publishers to complain about whatever injustices are happening in the congregation.
Whatever the case, the push to separate from local congregations is strong. Now, if a Pioneer molests someone, Brooklyn cannot be held liable. I bet all existing Pioneers will have to sign new applications (agreements) this fall.
Change in Regular Pioneer application process
by Ultimate Reality inthis week a letter is being read that changes the process for the approval of regular pioneers.
in times past you had to fill out an application, submit it to the elder body (who would then add their comments), and it would be forwarded to "the branch" for approval.. this is being changed so that the elder body grants the approval instead of brooklyn or the local branch.
it looks like the lawyers are removing any and all direct contact between the rank-and-file and the gb.
Ultimate Reality
This week a letter is being read that changes the process for the approval of regular pioneers. In times past you had to fill out an application, submit it to the Elder Body (who would then add their comments), and it would be forwarded to "the Branch" for approval.
This is being changed so that the Elder Body grants the approval instead of Brooklyn or the local branch. It looks like the lawyers are removing any and all direct contact between the rank-and-file and the GB. All liability is being limited to, and contained to local congregations elders.
This continuing process would lend further credibility to the rumor about the end of C.O.'s. They present a huge liability to the Society and the Governing Body as they have been sent out as representatives (or legal agents) of the GB.
Is there proof somewhere that when a KH is sold...,
by cawshun inis there some place to prove that when a congregation donates time, work, materials, ect... to build a kh, that when it get's sold the money goes to the wts corporation and not back to the congregation that built it through donations?.
Ultimate Reality
Our Hall passed a resolution based on the Society's review of the Congregation's articles of incorporation. It was resolved to change the dissolution clause so that if the Congregation is ever liquidated, the proceeds for the sale of the property automatically goes to the WTS.
This "suggestion" was based on the WTS legal department's review. Of course, the local congregation did not retain their own counsel for legal advice in this matter.
The Society has a form that the Elders fill out to disclose the ownership arrangements and then the Society provides their advice on the adjustments to make. This seems to be a systematic way of ensuring that all assets eventually end up in the hands of the WTS.
June 15 Study Watchtower now on
by dozy innotably contains an article on "the faithful steward and it's governing body".
only skimmed over the account , but it seems to cover a number of bases - eg.
anointed individuals are not to think they are above "god's channel".
Ultimate Reality
The elevation of the GB has reached new heights (along with minimizing the domestics and great crowd) in this article. The article presents new reasoning and concepts on this matter. For example, it makes a point about how only 8 individuals were responsible for writing the New Testament and links the role of the apostles to that of GB.
June 15 Study Watchtower now on
by dozy innotably contains an article on "the faithful steward and it's governing body".
only skimmed over the account , but it seems to cover a number of bases - eg.
anointed individuals are not to think they are above "god's channel".
Ultimate Reality
Wow. This is what many have been waiting for, but it's interesting to hear the explanation.
Listen to the opening comments, and conflicted reasoning. This is the setup for the Governing Body to become the Servant/Steward appointed by Jesus while the "domestics" (all the other "annointed") and other sheep get lumped together.
PDF w/174 WBTS scans comparing lies and revisions of JW "truth" time only!!!
by middleman inhello, here's a pdf that was put together comparing many of the lies within the society's publications.
i will have the link up for a limited time and afterwards it will be available by request-send me an email and leave yours.
this is part one (141 pages) of two (perhaps a third) in the series being made.
Ultimate Reality
Thank you for a great file. Much time and effort was spent on this; a very useful addition to all our "alternative" WT Library's.
When was the last NWT revision released?
by VM44 indoes anyone know when the last revision to the new world translation was released?.
i seriously wonder if there are any qualified bible translators left at brooklyn or patterson.
that is assuming that there ever were any there in the first place.. there might not be anyone qualified in the watchtower organization to make any revisions at all.. the watchtower today wants lawyers, accountants and construction engineers, not people trained in biblical languages!.
Ultimate Reality
Yes, 1984 was the last revision. However, I have seen scans here (have not yet checked at local KH) that they have a new edition that has "technical" changes. Specifically, they have removed the brackets, so you cannot see where that have inserted words!
Name one thing the WTS did for you and your family!
by RULES & REGULATIONS ini was just thinking of all the things i did for the wts (a group of old men that live in new york whom i've never seen and never will) and what they gave me in return.. .
what i did for the wts :.
studied the ''truth book'' for 6 months just to get baptized.
Ultimate Reality
I learned how to reason in a circular fashion.
The Governing Body Channels ...
by compound complex insomeone asked a question recently about how the gb acquires new light.
i cannot recall the title of the thread but did find this information in my file that a fellow poster put up a while back:.
just for reference, this is from the jan 1st 2007 watchtower - "the first resurrection now under way ?".
Ultimate Reality
So, the 1935 identification of the Great Crowd proves they are "spirit-directed"?
What interests me is that the quote is recent, from 2007. I would think they should distance themselves from this concept. Most of the people identified at the historic convention where the great multitude were asked to stand up by Rutherford, ARE DEAD!
This means they were NOT part of the Great Crowd, because they did not pass through the Great Tribulation.
Either God, one of the 24 heavenly elders, or JF Rutherford made a mistake on timing. I wonder which one?